How it works

Submit Answers
Complete questions across seven key categories with the help of AI Mentor
AI & ML Analysis
Responses are benchmarked against successful and unsuccessful startups using our advanced ML model (learn more).
Custom Feedback Report
Receive personalised feedback within 24 hours.
Personal AI Mentor
Work on improvements with an AI mentor.
Monthly Updates
Stay updated on your progress, by providing fresh information on a monthly basis.
Complete the DD
Verify your claims during the hard check
Showcase Your Startup
Present your company in a dedicated space designed to catch the eye of potential investors.
Interactive Q&A
Enable investors to dive deep into your business model, values, future plans and many more through a custom chatbot interface.
Meeting Arrangements
Facilitate easy scheduling of calls between your company and interested investors for deeper discussions and potential partnerships.
Search Database
Over 2,000 UK-based investors.
Detailed Profiles
Includes emails, LinkedIn profiles, investment thesis, and past investments.
Unlimited Investor Outreach
Armed with our advanced database, your reach is boundless. Connect with an unparalleled network of investors, opening doors to infinite possibilities for your startup's growth and funding opportunities.

How to Start?
